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May 01, 2023

Practice Management: The Two-Topic Seminar

Wan Kim, our Senior VP of National Sales and Marketing, on how to team up with other experts to meet new clients.


Hi, everybody. I'm Wan Kim, Senior Vice President, National Sales and Marketing for NCM Investments. Today's expert insight: the two topic seminar.

You probably have a whole bunch of clients that are really tired of hearing you talk about investments, and that's okay. The idea of the two topic seminar is to provide a win-win situation for two distinct topics.

Let's say within your own book of business, you happen to have an entrepreneur who's a travel agent that does Arctic expeditions. Let's say that that person has potentially 50 people that are not your clients that should hear about you and why you provide a great service for Canadians. Likewise, you probably have 50 clients within your book that want to hear about, you know, an Arctic expedition or some really adventurous vacation travel.

And so now you happen to have 100 people in a room. Half of your clients that are actually there to hear about the vacation and the exploration trip. The other half are your travel agent’s clients who want to hear about your investment thesis and how you're able to help them reach their investment goals.

Whatever is important to you and your clients that you're not an expert on, find another expert and there's a win-win situation. You now have a situation where your clients and their clients can collaborate and get a great experience.

For more ideas, connect with your NCM sales team.



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