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February 13, 2024

NCM Investments proudly celebrates 25 years

A great big thank you to the financial advisors and investors across Canada who have trusted us to help them reach their goals over the past quarter century


I'm going to take you back in time - 25 years ago, in 1999.

In 1999, a whole bunch of really interesting things happened that impact everyone today.

If you've ever been to Europe and used the euro currency, that was actually invented and launched in 1999.

Wayne Gretzky was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1999.

PayPal, something we take for granted, was launched in 1999.

What else happened 25 years ago?

NCM launched its first mutual fund in 1999.

In the last 25 years, there's been a lot of change in our industry - a lot of market events, a lot of ups and downs.

But we're really proud of the fact that investors that invested with us 25 years ago have seen incredible growth in their portfolio.

And with that, I want to thank the people that were with us in 1999 - thank you.

Thank you for those that came across NCM and have been using us throughout their journey - thank you.

And for those that haven't yet looked at NCM, please do so.

The best is yet to come.

Thank you very much.



NCM Team

NCM is made for advice. We’ve been creatively solving the issues facing financial advisors and their clients since 1999.